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Your family photos are an investment.
They are things we keep for our lifetime as we capture these moments in time with our little ones.

Each style listed below are different photography session styles from studio, lifestyles at home or explore. Each style can be applied to maternity, newborn, or family photos.

Studio Session
With many props for your individual style we can capture your child's vibrant and individual personality in our home studio. 

Lifestyle Home Session 
Keep your hot cup of coffee, lifestyle shoots are taken in the comfort of your own home reflecting you and your family style and personality. 

Explore Sessions
Let's explore the great outdoors. A park, our cities hidden gems, or even your families backyard for some memorable photos. 

All packages include professional image processing, secure online proofing, gallery, online storage and watermark-free images.

Themed Mini Sessions

Over the last year we have had Valentines, Easter bunnies, unicorn, cherry blossom, sunflower fields, Halloween and Christmas tree mini sessions. Follow us on Facebook for the most up to date info on our sessions and how to book.

Mini session packages available. Contact me for details.